Forstyrrelse af ansigtsopfattelsen

Du kan muligvis deltage i dette forsøg hvis du:
  • Er rask.
  • Er mere end 18 år gammel.

We are searching for healthy volunteers for one study about the effects of topical anesthesia (bedøvelsescreme) on experimental facial pain.

Where: Department of Dentistry (Tandlægeskolen) – Vennelyst Boulevard 9, 8000 Aarhus C. The study will comprise two sessions of 2 hours.

How: If you are interested, please contact Yuri Martins Costa by email ( or phone : 40882355 for a full explanation. On successful completion the participant will be awarded 400 DKK.

We really appreciate your support!

Godkendt af etisk komité med journalnummer: mj:1-10-72-139-12

Yuri Costa
Aarhus universitet/institut for odontologi
Vennelyst boulevard 9
8000 Aarhus c
Tlf: 40882355