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Pain, unpleasantness and quality of life related to orofacial nerve damage

Du kan muligvis deltage i dette forsøg hvis du:
  • Er rask.
  • Er mere end 18 år gammel.
  • No ongoing pain in the face region. Absence of Diabetes, pacemakers, psychological abnormalities or other neurological problems. No current use of painkillers.

Required: Healthy participants


Smerte, ubehag og livskvalitet hos patienter med nerveskade i ansigtet

[ Pain, unpleasantness and quality of life related to orofacial nerve damage ]


Section of Orofacial Pain and Jaw Function, Department of Dentistry, Health


Requirements :

Age: 18 years and above,

No ongoing pain in the face or head,

No serious systemic diseases



About the experiment

Aim : We aim to assess the effect that experimentally evoked sensory changes has on measures of sensory function, pain, and unpleasantness as well as quality of life in healthy participants and compare it with patients suffering from nerve damage.


l  In this experiment, the participants will be expected to attend 3 sessions.

l1 session takes about 3-4 hours .



The volunteers will get 100 DKK pr. Hour (approx. DKK 900 to 1200 total) to compensate for the time used for your participation after the completion of 3 sessions.

For further detailed information about the study, feel free to send an email to-

Rajath Pillai, PhD student,

E-mail: raj.pillai@dent.au.dk

Section of Orofacial Pain and Jaw Function

Department of Dentistry, HEALTH, Aarhus University

Godkendt af etisk komité med journalnummer: MJ-:1-10-72-105-16

Rajath Sasidharan Pillai
Section of Orofacial Pain and Jaw Function, Department of Dentistry, Aarhus University
Vennelyst Boulevard 9, Denmark
8000 Aarhus C
Tlf: 50188248